Aparna Sivan

Director, New face actor, script & dialogue writer, Story writer


  • Category Direction, Artist, Writer, Writer
  • Gender Female
  • Date of Birth 2002-08-09
  • Short Films Mithra (director) Cold coffe (director)
  • Web Series Nil
  • Movies Nil
  • Reference https://youtu.be/U4eRienCKAI?si=SG4D2PHdUYjrOth-, https://youtu.be/F7V8Y8rnR5A?si=M4wVux6j_uA5-GdP
  • Awards Brainstorm 2k22 ( best movie)bio scope 2k22(best director )
  • Experience Others Seesaw YouTube channel -asst director
  • Interest direction ,acting,script and screenplay writing
  • Achivements Brainstorm 2k22 ( best movie)bio scope 2k22(best director )
  • Typing Languages English
  • Hobbies Reading ,Dancing
  • Interest Area Direction,acting
  • Any Software Experience Adobe premium pro,photoshop,Davincy
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