Jason Royalty Kaushi kumar

New face actor, Trained Actor, Models & Ad film artist, Experienced actor, Theatre Actor
Greetings, Hello, everyone! My name is Jason Kaushi , but you may know me by my screen name, Jason Royalty. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to introduce myself and showcase my passion for acting as I embark on this exciting audition. I hail from the beautiful state of Tamil Nadu in southern India and have made Chennai my second home. Growing up in such a culturally rich environment has undoubtedly shaped my love for storytelling and the world of cinema. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Visual Communication, which has equipped me with a strong foundation in understanding the visual aspects of filmmaking. However, my true calling lies in front of the camera, where I can bring characters to life and connect with audiences on an emotional level. Throughout my journey in the industry, I have had the privilege of working on various projects that have provided me with invaluable experience and a deep understanding of the filmmaking process. I have worked as an Assistant Director, Co-Director, Art Director, and Costume Stylist in web series, music videos, short films, and even had the chance to step in front of the lens in a few . Additionally I'm an experienced fighter , trained professional fighter holding Black belt in Taekwondo , and a dancer . This diverse background has given me a comprehensive perspective on the filmmaking craft, allowing me to appreciate and collaborate with every department involved in creating a compelling story on screen. I approach every role with a deep sense of humility and respect, always striving to portray characters with authenticity and emotional depth. I believe in the power of storytelling and its ability to inspire, entertain, and challenge perspectives. As an actor, I aim to deliver performances that resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impact. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this industry that I hold so dear. I am dedicated to honing my craft, continuously learning, and growing as an actor. I approach every opportunity with enthusiasm and an open mind, ready to collaborate with the creative team to bring characters to life. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing my talents to this project. Please find my contact information below for any further communication. Warm regards, Jason Kaushi Kumar Royalty Email: contact.jasonroyalty@gmail.com Phone: +919790480383


  • Category Artist, Artist, Artist, Artist, Artist
  • Gender Male
  • Date of Birth 1995-08-25
  • Nationality Indian
  • Short Films 3
  • Web Series 2
  • Movies 1
  • Experience Others Sports Person of the year
  • Interest Character role
  • Achivements Played Commonwealth for India in Taekwondo championship
  • Typing Languages Tamil / English / Tanglish
  • Hobbies Dance , Music , Watching movies , Performance enhancement , Reading , Script discussions
  • Interest Area Acting / Performance
  • Height 189
  • Weight 78
  • Hip 34.5
  • Shoe Size 12
  • Prefered Dress Comportable Urban casuals.
  • Prefered Shooting Time 24x 7
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